Solar screens are by far the most cost-effective way of controlling light and heat that enters your home. Beat the Texas summer heat, make your home noticeably beautiful, and save big on your A/C bill with solar screens.
Solar screens provide up to an astounding 90% blockage of sunlight and heat while maintaining a perfect outside view. Significant benefits of solar screens include:
Cooler rooms in the summer
Warmer rooms in the winter
UV ray protection
Prevention of furniture fade
insect protection
Glare reduction
Golf ball protection
Retain outward visibility
Improved ventilation
Soft light access
Increased privacy
Let solar screens keep your home cooler through a small, one-time investment and receive a quick return by reducing high energy bills.
Matt uses top-quality Phifer SunTex screens with a thick 1" framing. You can choose from a variety of screens with various heat controls, privacy levels, colors, and shading. Below are all the Phifer SunTex screen colors. All colors available in 80% blockage & 90% blockage. We also can replace normal bug screens if damaged. For our full gallery of solar screens, please visit our Facebook page:
2-3 week turnaround time from initial order to installation.
Choose any frame color, screen color, and protection level at no extra cost.